Spain threatens 100% property tax on Britons buying second homes
Spain plans a steep 100% property tax on non-EU homebuyers without legal residence, hitting British purchasers hardest and sparking fierce debate over housing reforms.
Spain plans a steep 100% property tax on non-EU homebuyers without legal residence, hitting British purchasers hardest and sparking fierce debate over housing reforms.
House prices in some of London’s most exclusive postcodes are tipped to fall as Labour’s decision to apply VAT on private school fees forces more families to reconsider their housing choices.
From looming stamp duty changes to anticipated rate cuts, Britain’s mortgage market is gearing up for a busy January. Learn why experts predict a rush worth £104bn—and how buyers could save thousands on stamp duty and mortgage costs.
Zurich UK warns of risks in commercial-to-residential conversions, citing overheating and plumbing issues that could make some homes unfit for future climate conditions.
Landlords appear to be shrugging off the Government’s latest tax increases, according to fresh data suggesting that buy-to-let investors are now accounting for a larger share of property purchases than before the Chancellor’s recent reforms.
Zoopla predicts a 2.5% increase in UK house prices in 2025, with the north-south divide persisting, as buyers rush to beat upcoming stamp duty hikes.
First-time buyers in London and other expensive UK regions are rushing to complete home purchases before stamp duty costs rise on April 1. Learn how the upcoming tax changes could add an average of £6,300 to property costs.
Homeowners struggle to sell or remortgage as major lenders reject properties with spray foam insulation over structural concerns, affecting an estimated 250,000 UK homes.
Asking prices for homes in the UK dropped sharply in November, with the average price of newly listed properties falling 1.4 per cent to £366,592, according to Rightmove.
Hamptons has cut its UK house price growth forecast to 12.5% from 2024-2027, citing higher stamp duty and interest rates. Discover the impact on buyers, landlords, and rental prices.