Scotland to lift rent controls, boosting investor confidence in private rental sector
Scotland will lift temporary rent controls on 31 March, a move expected to boost investment in the private rental sector and encourage new housing development.
Scotland will lift temporary rent controls on 31 March, a move expected to boost investment in the private rental sector and encourage new housing development.
Park home availability has fallen 21% in England, but 2025 could bring fresh stock as demand from downsizers fuels new developments.
British investors eyeing the Algarve region of Portugal can now tap into a familiar brand, following the announcement that Chestertons Global has joined forces with Xtophe Properties.
New figures from Shawbrook indicate that 2024 was the year of diversification among professional landlords, who increasingly turned to semi-commercial and commercial investments to boost returns.
Property agency Dawsons is reviving the physical ‘in-room’ auction experience on 5 March in Swansea – its first since 2020, when live sales were halted by the pandemic.
Property owners across England and Wales became more amenable to discounting their homes in the final quarter of 2024, according to fresh data from Hamptons.
Savills, one of the UK’s leading property advisors, has unveiled a new platform giving landlords exclusive access to buy-to-let investment…
Investment in the UK Purpose Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) sector soared to £3.5 billion in 2024, according to new figures…
New research from property platform Zoopla suggests that Scotland and Northern England are best positioned for house price growth in…
Before Donald Trump officially began his second term as US President, his policies were already creating shockwaves in the UK…