Savills, one of the UK’s leading property advisors, has launched a new platform tailored to landlords seeking attractive buy-to-let opportunities in the new-build sector.
The Residential Investor Hub provides a curated selection of discounted off-market deals, plus in-depth research and market insights — all free to registered members.
Spearheading the project is operations director and residential buy-to-let specialist Rob Wiggans, whose 13 years of experience in both residential investment and land has shaped the service. Investors who register gain access to discounted properties before they hit the open market, spanning everything from pre-launch off-plan apartments to completed new-build flats and houses.
“At a time of restructuring for the buy-to-let sector, the need to buy at an advantageous price and tap into expert advice is more critical than ever,” said Wiggans. “Whether you’re a seasoned landlord or just starting out, our dedicated hub offers a targeted solution for those looking to expand their portfolios with exclusive opportunities.”
George Cardale, head of Residential Development Sales at Savills, added: “The investor hub underlines our commitment to investing in areas where we see real potential. We’ve been delighted by the response from buy-to-let investors keen to make the most of our free service, and we look forward to building on this momentum in 2025.”